Greens Blog

Thursday, June 21, 2007


My body is so cold; my bones are cold, I feel cold. And yet, through the chilliness on my bare legs and tiny shivers running through me, I have a warmth inside of me. A hope. A faith. A love. It yearns to burn. It burns when it chooses to. I wish it would burn with more fire and heat right now; I sure could use it to remove the chilly, icy feeling on my legs, on my body, in my bones. Ok, ok, so the fire is burning; burning calmly, yet wildly. It is burning brightly, yet unseen in the darkness of a body*s surface. The fire glows within in me for the wonderful purities of nature and life...and for those I deeply care for.

I think I care for most people; they deserve to have my optimism, however short in supply it may be. Still, there are only a few I care deeply and painfully for. Sometimes thinking of these few people warms me both inside and out. I guess it*s not working right now.

My fire inside is quiet, but providing heat; alas, my bones still have that numb stillness of being cold, and my bare legs are begging for some pants...~sigh~

Monday, June 18, 2007


Hello Boyz and Gurlz….Guess What I got for u guYz…. Yea a list of things u cud do when u rrr borrreeeddd…. Welll if ya bored read it thru….Or...Just read it… wont take that long.. :P



1. Polish your shoes
2. Buy cheese
3. Drop your cat from a high place, to see if it really does land on all four feet
4. Repeat above until failure
5. watch PORNooO… J be safe…
6. Brush your teeth
7. Do the magician “saw a box trick” with your sister *kekeke
8. Wash behind your ears
9. Clean and polish your belly button
10. Ask people if they want to see your “belly button treasure”
11. Wash a tree
12. Flirt with an old lady
13. Find a chick
14. Mail her, add her to msn… and ….
15. Knight yourself and some close friends
16. Complain about your ass hurting
17. Give your cat a Mohawk
18. Purr
19. Vacume your carpet
20. Rake your carpet (to clean up the clippings, of course)
21. Whine
22. Play BSB cds backwards kekeke… :P
23. Re-elect MAUMOON… :P
24. Dress up in a cow suit… go to the supermarket
25. Moo
26. Play with matches
27. Buff your cat
28. Raise professional racing llamas
29. Join debate and agree with everyone
30. Dial-a-prayer and argue
31. Read Dhon hiyala aai ali fulhu..
32. Learn Greek
33. Change your mind
34. Change it back
35. Watch the sun see if it moves
36. Ask a question
37. Answer it…
38. Paint your windows
39. Flash your goldfish
40. Paint
41. Smile
42. Paint a smile
43. Shoot at a toaster
44. Apologize to it
45. See if you really can build a small nuclear device in your basement
46. Rotate your garden…daily
47. Plant a tree
48. Water it
49. Sweat
50. Give an ink blot test to your gerbil
51. Take apart the toaster and microwave
52. Mix and match the parts
53. Turn your TV upside down
54. Take an ant for a walk
55. Take your gurlio for a walk
56. Sell dirty socks
57. Start
58. Stop
59. Dial 110 and breathe heavily
60. Go to a funeral and tell jokes… *eye rollin…
61. Put lighted exit signs on all your closets
62. Carry a tune
63. Drop it, see if it breaks
64. Starch your underwear
65. Contemplate a cockroach
66. Get a bug to chase your car
67. Let him catch it
68. Organize a partY
69. Make everyone who joined pay dues, then call it stupid and quit
70. Wear a salad
71. Ride a loaf of bread
72. Annoy yourself
73. Get angry with yourself
74. Stop speaking to yourself
75. Kiss and make up with yourself
76. Stand on your head
77. Stand on someone else’s head
78. Learn everything there is to know about the three toed sloth
79. Laugh at a superiors puns
80. Build a pyramid
81. Paint your teeth
82. Climb a sidewalk
83. Speak with a lisp
84. MAKE a drive in window at the dairy-queen
85. Walk on water, but DON’T get caught.. ;)
86. Shave a shrub
87. Have a pillow fight
88. Watch a home movie and make fun of yourself as a kid… porno wud be great ;)
89. shiver
90. Learn to type with your toes
91. Recite romantic poetry to your washing machine
92. Buy Theemuge
93. Mail it to a friend…

94. Make them pay the postage.
95. Be in the wrong place at the right time
96. Be someone special
97. Plot the overthrow of your local school board
98. Request covert assistance from the MNDF
99. Factor your identity card number
100. Read the Directory
101. Plead the fifth
102. Plead the sixth
103. Plead the 8,003rd
104. Learn to read HINDI… yea
105. Learn to write singalha
106. Exist… existentially of course
107. Search for buried treasure…
108. Add me to your msn
109. Print counterfeit confederate money
110. Kick a cabbage
111. Say you’re sorry
112. Take a picture
113. Put it back
114. Paint your house green
115. breath
116. Play solitaire for cash
117. Abuse your furniture
118. Run for …. Just RUN
119. Still run…
120. RUN RUN RUN….
121. Try harder
122. Write a book about life, call it death
123. Make a boat of used napkins
124. Revert
125. Sleep on a bed of nails
126. Don’t toss and turn
127. Think shallow thoughts
128. Drown in them
129. Have your favorite sock gold platted
130. Boil ice cream :D
131. Blast pop music through town
132. Carve your “girlfriend” initials somewhere
133. Speak in acronyms
134. Drive the speed limit, in your garage
135. Make a schematic drawing of a rock
136. Become a BSB fan
137. Become a BSB hater
138. Pay Me $1000000000
139. Calmly have a nervous breakdown
140. Give your goldfish poison
141. Paint your self GREEEN
142. Play tag on I5
143. Find the nearest nowhere and go there
144. Exorcize a ghost
145. Go to a cemetery and verbally abuse dead people
146. Paint stripes on a lake
147. Two words… Hot Dog
148. Explain random theories
149. Test thin ice with a pogo stick
150. Apply for the Presidential election
151. Defend your neighborhood from flesh eating robots
152. Do a good job
153. Crawl
154. Be a side affect
155. Be a front defect
156. Have sex with your girlfriend/wife…
158. Rabbit
159. Play Bai kakkaa…
160. Join NSS, be someone simple
161. Think like a donkey
162. Hit your self
163. Cut your self
164. Swab the deck
165. Put leg warmers on your furniture
166. Be number six
167. Sit
168. Stay
169. Roll over
170. Play dead
171. blink
172. Spray your family room with air freshner
173. Cause a power failure
174. try to jump as ….
175. Give a lecture to your girl frend
176. Wiggle
177. Be Smart
178. Act like a bangaalhee…
179. Act as an indian
180. Donate your brother’s body to science
181. Watch Baywatch.. O_O
182. Wonder
183. Give someone a kiss on the lips… in the middle something…
184. square root your licence number
185. Park your car with a “friend”
186. Park your car with a group of “friends”
187. Ask stupid questions
188. Answer them
189. Spew
190. Say “moist”
191. Put a stick on the sidewalk
192. Laugh when someone trips
193. Laugh REALLY REALLY hard if they break a bone
194. Solve the population problem i.e. x +2y-16x = population
195. Contribute to the population problem
196. Interview a member of the opposite sex
197. Ask embarrassing questions
198. Go to a drive-in movie in a tank
199. Go to a non-drive-in movie in a tank and drive in anyway
200. Crumble
201. Crumple
202. Make up a new language
203. Use it often
204. Be stupid for a day
205. Do your head
206. Play cards with your swimming pool
207. Bother a sibling, profusely
208. Send your iguana to obedience school
209. Pinstripe your driveway
210. Play "Kick the fire-hydrant"
211. Chipmunk power
212. Free the oppressed toaster-ovens of America
213. Free the obsessed toaster-ovens of America
214. Mug a stop sign
215. Join your local AA meetings
216. Go for a walk in the attic
217. Challenge the neighbor kid to duel
218. Find a witch
219. Flirt with her
220. Regress
221. Find out how many ways there really are to skin a cat
222. Go bow hunting for Toyotas
223. Kidnap someone
224. Go somewhere no man has gone before
225. Be a threat to MDP/DRP/IDP/ADP/OSAMA
226. Put out a fire
227. If you can't find one make one
228. Talk to people who are half asleep (What do you really think about me?”)
229. Smile all day for a day
230. Count to a million as fast as you can
231. Count to a million as fast as you can (break your own record)
232. Unplug the phone and plug it in and unplug it and plug it in and unplug…
233. Love to hate
234. hate to love
235. Write a song
236. Sing it
237. Record it
238. Listen to yourself, realize you suck and throw it out
239. I am bored….
240. hehe
241. 800 more to go….
241. Laugh
242. Ask people if they’ve seen your head
243 When you smile bite your lip
244. Hide in a cupboard
245. Learn filths in other languages
246. Clean your room (*_*)
247. Blow a bubble
248. Say “I SUCK”
249. Hug a stranger then apologize saying you thought they were your grandma.
250. Sleep……

Daime I tried to get 500… but then again I got bored.. yawwwnnnssss…

PS: got the idea from Dark Angels Blog


It's not like she is a piece of flesh that will rot and fall off: she is a part of my spirit. My soul. My entire being. With her...I can be free from everything...expressing myself and releasing a power inside of me that I felt like had been locked up inside of me for so long. But it's free. I'm free. I'm as free as the wind passing through the trees and flowers and waters and through me. I'm as free as fire with the power to consume and fill and warm and take over things. I'm able to bleed...the blood can tell how I feel and what I think and (once again) express myself. I need to bleed before this world...I know I can do it if I believe. I'm only just beginning to bleed and the feeling is washing over me and people around me...strangely hope it lasts...

Saturday, June 16, 2007


You hate me because I'm Green,
I have colored skin.
What about my personality,
and the things I feel within...
I wont disrespect you,
or anybody else.
Not for skin color,
and not for what one tells.
I wont go behind your back,
and say that you've done wrong.
Although you're just a normal thug,
with bitches and a bong.
Still all you see is a green man,
petite, thin, but green.
Now dreams of colors,
forever invade my nights.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Rot In Pieces

Hey green apple you're rotten on the inside,

your skin is smooth but your soul is soft.

You look so appetizing but,

if you taste the truth

it's gonna make you spit.

And how long have I known you now,

but I knew after just one taste.

And how long has my mouth been sour,

well it’s been sour ever since that day.

And how long can I go on like this,

knowing what I know anyway.

But it makes me feel helpless to,

stand and watch while you rot away.

But if make me feel helpless to,

stand and watch while you rot away.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Drugs dont work.....

Green clogged his eyes, his forehead wrinkled in pain. Sweat drip over his brow, even as he quaked hysterically. He opened his eyes leisurely and gaze up at the foil and the needle on the nearby table. He hadn’t used it in so long. It felt like evermore. There was heroin in the peak most drawer. He clogged his eyes again. This better be worth it.

“Drugs does not work?"

All of a sudden he felt muscular strong Green opened his eyes and saw Pink, she was there to hold him, affectionate arms around him. Pink cuddles and embraces the tremble Green. “Eh baby, I am here now, don’t worryJ” Pink whispered “I love you green”.

“Everything unpleasant has heroin in it, so be free without Drugs”

Monday, June 11, 2007

The Alien I Encountered.....

I saw it again.

I still don’t know what it is. I know it’s something black, something not right. Something that wasn’t meant to be. Something weird and foreign and alien. The visuals aren’t what stick with me, they could be shadows, flailing, thrashing flickers of light. It’s the sounds. The slurping, the gurgling, the groaning. That’s what I remember, that’s what stays with me. That unworldly dark shape tearing fabrics that aren’t meant to even exist, some pan-dimensional abomination forcing itself through the void into our world. I hear it calling into the night in the voices of children. High-pitched giggling and squealing and screaming and singing. I see it slink from 666's basement in the middle of the night, bursting through the slanted storm doors and screeching it’s terrible, childlike siren call, a parody of life calling us to join it in whatever half-place it hails from. I don’t have the courage to follow it.

I don’t remember much of the first time I saw it, heard it, felt it. Cooing, snarling a false innocence into the freezing rain, surging forward like some viscous ebon liquid, seething into the yard and off to whatever destination a creature like that could seek. I only remember shock. Glimpses of what happened still ring in my mind, snatches of myself clawing for the telephone, shaking hands dialing the police, 199. The voice on the other side.

“Calm down, sir, just give us the address.”

I couldn’t. I couldn’t form the words, I couldn’t speak. I jibbered and gaped, not unlike the thing that slithered out of that house. I remember dropping the phone and curling up onto the carpet. Crawling into the corner and sobbing silently.

That was weeks ago. That thing is still out there, still stalking through the night. I haven’t slept since.

June 1, Friday

It got out again. I was almost asleep, so close I could taste it. My body’s so heavy all the time. I’m nervous. Nervous isn’t the word. Terrified. I haven’t left the house in days. I can hear it all the time now, day or night, it doesn’t matter. I hear it summoning, calling out to something. I don’t know what. I know it has to be stopped. This can’t go on. More of those things have to exist. It’s planning...It’s planning.

June 3, Sunday

It was at my door tonight. I heard it slamming its bulk against the metal. I could hear the deadbolt groaning under the strain, threatening to snap and loose the nightmare into my house. I huddled in the corner of my attic. All I could find was a steak knife in the kitchen. I gripped it in both hands the entire night, held it against my chest. Cowering like an animal. I have blisters on my hands. I heard its child-voice, less than twenty feet away from me, crying my name over and over again.

I know what it wants now.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Leprosy of Green moss

I live in strife and mayhem of emotional alterations and vicissitude; of rage and euphoria; of excruciations and of reprisal. My grief will all be for this maggot writhing bitch slapped blog, and my retribution will be wreaked on you, my dear foes. Therefore, in the might of Maldivian blogosphere, I will sit down and tap these keys: I will let the depraved and iniquitous of this damnation know what I have done and will do in the devotion of the promises, and justification by grace, that you faggots may read and tremble as your blood will be mingled with my crimson sacrifices.

I was born an outcast, into a slimy froth, in which I was destined to act so conspicuous a part. Fuck you, I am a burning and a radiant light, in the community of leeches, and in these days of lost virginities you shall suffer much in the persecution of the godly. Pleased I am that, as a trial of your insecurities, I shall curse you and throw you into the pits of damnation; for I am the man all over spotted with the leprosy of green moss..

Open your eyes, take heed!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Tribute to Nutshell

all my thoughts have been erased
all my worship has been replaced
all my thoughts were shredded and burned
all is vanished which I had learned
all is factual which I have felt
where loneliness is often dealt
Into the sea that I have been thrown
while poetry yell my dieing moan
Crippled by the corporate hold
while harsh on the things I’m told
now a slave the master calls
and becomes 4th the grounding laws
for if I fail to play his game
then jail will help him to tame
any and all true feelings I have felt
where solitude while help him melt
till soulless and tame
without a name
I’m all the same
no 1 to blame
dull and dead
without a head
and a brain replaced with solid lead...

I am Green so Fucking What...

The westerner said, "Coloured people are not allowed here." I turned around and stood up. I then said, "Listen, you son of a bitch.....When I was born, I was GREEN. When I grew up I was GREEN. When I'm sick, I'm GREEN. When I go in the sun, I'm GREEN. When I'm cold, I'm GREEN. When I die, I'll be GREEN.

But you son of a bitch.....When you're born, you're PINK. When you grow up, you're RED. When you're sick, you're WHITE. When you go in the sun, you turn ORANGE. When you're cold, you turn BLUE. And when you die, you turn PURPLE. And you have the nerve to call me colored? You MOTHER-FUCKING son of a bitch!!!"